GBBD October, On the Ridge

Reminders and promises in the garden this month.

California Fuschia, Zauschneria, is blooming bang on schedule though, maybe a little late - this is a tall varietal whose name I now forget. Blooms every year, no irrigation.

Above, the last two of the monkey flower cultivars remind me of summer, in a sea of otherwise browning vegetation. Time to be pruning them back.

And a few seaside daisies. These have provided color all summer long, but it's getting time to cut them way back.

Encelia californica blooming heartily - it's a really reliable plant for the drought tolerant garden, it seems. Southern California native.

Pea bush is an underappreciated standby too. South African I think. No irrigation but look how green, and always in flower it seems.

Now for the promise. OK, lie down and look at this, because I forgot to rotate it to the left! It's the Hedychium greenii, Scarlet ginger, from the Himalayas. Still in its pot till tomorrow anyway.

Salvia Darcyi, non native, showing the scarlet blooms that promise to fill out this bed next year!

Abutilon Palmeri - promises to be a favorite of mine if it thrives in the garden. A Southern California native that can take reflected heat - good to know. I love that buttery yellow. If you like salted butter that is.

Also in its pot still, Hermannia verticillata, honeybells, another South African native, which I hope will spill over the front of border. Bees are already loving this plant.

Scarlet bugler bugling away in its pot - Penstemon Centranthifolius, Native to dry slopes in the coast ranges and Southern Sierras. Needs very gravelly soil, little organic matter, little water.

Above - a dudleya awaiting planting is budding. Anybody know what kind it is? I think it was mislabeled at the plant sale as Dudleya cymosa. Pictures I see on the web have more of a flattened pointy leaf, though fleshy.

My little patio friend that blooms and blooms! Snapdragon, or Antirrhinum (which means "like a nose!). And below, two other patio friends, in friendly semi-shade, abutilons both, non native.

Last but not least - the buckwheat St Catherine's Lace, Eriogonum giganteum. It is turning a rich reddish brown - I love it. I should put some of it in the pool garden maybe... Hm...

My coblogger has wonderful native plant blooms on show - go see hers! And then please do visit May Dreams Gardens to pick another flower from the bouquet of blogs she hosts every month. Thanks, Carol!


Town Mouse said…
That epilobium is "Calistoga" I think. As for giganteum in the pool garden, just remember it gets 8x8feet. Really does. I've seen it.

Happy bloom day! Love all the blooms - and the promises...
Happy GBBD to you! Love that salted butter mallow and--hmmm--my society's plant sale is tomorrow... Will he be able to resist?
Love the abutilons, they have wonderful flowers. Great in a pot. Happy GBBD!
scottweberpdx said…
Nice post...I've never heard of Pea's really lovely!
Dear Country Mouse, I love your reminders and promises, especially the Antirrhinum which I failed to purchase this year ... it is an annual here. I put it on next year's list as I don't want to forget it again. Pam
Christine said…
Great show! Is your Dudleya maybe a hassei? I think they vary pretty widely within species- I have a few pulverulentas and I swear they all look a little different from each other.
Liz said…

Lots of lovely colourful blooms around in your garden :)
graceonline said…
What a delightful stroll through the autumn garden! Thank you.