The bloomday post shows a baby lizard that found its way into our house. Another shot of him below. He walked right into the old yellow tumbler (one I use in the garden) and I got a good look at him, before letting him slither away into the undergrowth. "Bye-bye, baby fence lizard!" I crooned.
The eyes are one thing that is different. The alligator lizard, has those dramatic golden irises, whereas our friend the Coast Fence Lizard has warm brown eyes. For a lizard.

As for other differences, you can see that the toes are much shorter on the alligator lizard. By comparison, look at the length of this fence lizard's hind toes!

The pattern and shape of the scales down the back is different too. Here's an alligator lizard that was in a wood pile in a clearing in our chaparral area.

The adult alligator lizards like the above photo are very easy to tell because they are simply much bigger. Not huge, but heftier and about twice as long maybe. We've only seen one or two here. They're pretty shy I think.
I had just assumed my young captive was a fence lizard because that's what lives in abundance around here.
I think they're Sceloporus occidentalis bocourtii - Coast Range Fence Lizard. The californiaherpes.com page on Coast Range Fence Lizard has some shots that could be in my photo files.

But then so does the page on the North Western Fence Lizard. I'm not sure how you tell them apart. Hm. It looks like their range doesn't overlap in our area at least.

I do see a variation in the fence lizards here. Some are a bit smoother and often darker, sleeker looking, but with the same basic shape as the other lizards. I had thought it was just another variation on a fence lizard. Now I think they might be Western Sagebrush lizards S.G. gracilis. A new theory to explore.
Here is a not too great shot I got of a light and dark one together; they were darting in and out of a deck that sits on a slab of concrete. The darker one also looks pregnant to me. Just because she has a very swollen looking middle.

And just as my last post was all flowers shots headed by one lizard, let this one be all lizard shots, followed by one flower:

Hi Pam!
Helen, growing up in the Uk I didn't see such wonderfulness as lizards scampering around either - just read about them in David Attenborough books! Makes me appreciate them all the more here, even though they are all over. Why should common things be seen as less marvellous anyway?
Byddi - glad if my forays into lizard ID are of any help. maybe an expert will weigh in - i think that photo of the darker lizard on my post may be a sagebrush one. Good old St Pat. If I would ever add any Christian iconography to the garden, of course it would be St. Patrick with a bird or two upon him!
Thanks for sharing your lizards with us.
I love the way those long, delicate toes feel when you hold them (did this for the study, I don't do it for "fun" 'cause it's not fun for them)--those creatures are SO light it's a-MA-zing. Delightful. =)
And I LOVE that poppy. Such an outrageous plant--huge fan. =) Thanks for that interesting post! =)