Another bloom day

Above is the Bee's Bliss Salvia which looks lovely in the morning light.

I have been busy weeding and propagating and will have lots to say when I have a minute to sit. I uncovered the "meadow" (the floating row cover was looking suspiciously lumpy) and found any number of big weeds there - and a few seedlings. So I'll be positive about the seedlings, and it's interesting to try to ID some of the weirder weeds.

In the meantime, I don't have much for bloom day. Everything is pretty quiet in my yard right now. Maybe everything is trembling in its little rooties because I've been weeding up a storm - a large part of restoration is removing what you don't want.

I'm in a rush between events - I'll just post one more, a closeup of ceanothus, Dark Star.



Anonymous said…
That first picture has such a beautiful light!
Unknown said…
sounds like a nice productive day. I cant wait till the snow clears from my yard!
Gail said…
Lovely and they are probably...trembling in their little rootsies! gail you will love the word verification...It's minuses! Isn't that perfect for weeding!
lostlandscape said…
Oh I agree about the Bee's Bliss in the morning light. It's sights like that that keep us all gardening isn't it? Looking forward to the progress of your various projects...
Anonymous said…
A fellow California native plant gardener! Your Ceanothus is gorgeous.
Anonymous said…
The Ceanothus is such a lovely shade of blue, I'd love to see how it looks next to it's companions in your garden.
Anonymous said…
I absolutely love the mental image of "trembling little rooties". Don't know the book Epitaph for a Peach, but will be checking it out now. Your photos make me want to jump on an airplane to CA.
Michelle said…
Your Bee's Bliss is delightful and the ceanothus is a gorgeous shade of blue! There's been a whole lot of trembling in their rooties going on around here too! That's one good thing about annual summer droughts, it cuts down on the weeding. . .
Shirley said…
I agree with Anne... that first shot is very nice :-D

Ah... and I love the blue of the ceanothus too! Happy GBBD :-D
Kathy said…
We are in very different climates, but I also am trying to incorporate more native plants on our property, and eradicate the invasive ones!

Love the ceonanthus photo.