Above is the Bee's Bliss Salvia which looks lovely in the morning light.
I have been busy weeding and propagating and will have lots to say when I have a minute to sit. I uncovered the "meadow" (the floating row cover was looking suspiciously lumpy) and found any number of big weeds there - and a few seedlings. So I'll be positive about the seedlings, and it's interesting to try to ID some of the weirder weeds.
In the meantime, I don't have much for bloom day. Everything is pretty quiet in my yard right now. Maybe everything is trembling in its little rooties because I've been weeding up a storm - a large part of restoration is removing what you don't want.
I'm in a rush between events - I'll just post one more, a closeup of ceanothus, Dark Star.
Ah... and I love the blue of the ceanothus too! Happy GBBD :-D
Love the ceonanthus photo.