First View-a-versary (Town Mouse)

Last August, Ms. Country Mouse and I had the pleasure of seeing each other's views of the garden for the first time. It's been fun to see what the changing seasons were bringing, and we've enjoyed visiting first views from all over the country.

I was almost tempted to let it be at that, but after an inspiring garden photography class last Saturday, I'm ready for more photos - why not? In this post, all photos were taken with a tripod and with a greater depth of field than I usually use. It's been interesting to experiment, and I hope you'll enjoy the tour. Above, the Chinese fountain - which was but a dream a year ago - with Eriogonum fasciculatum, the local narrow-leaf buckwheat starting to creap onto the stones surrounding the fountain. In the background, the Helianthus annuus (delta sunflower) which I'm trying for the first time this year. To the right, lavender with slowly fading seedheads - I can't cut them just yet, it's too much fun to watch the finches.

Looking toward the right, we see Epilobium "UC Hybrid", which seems to tolerate the dry and hot spot well and is starting to attract the hummingbird. In the background the South African Agapanthus. They came with the house, and are popular with the hummingbirds as well.

Looking at the same path from the other side, we see the Agapanthus on the left, a second stand of them behind the bridge, and the stake for the CA native soap plant (chlorogalum). This year, only one of my plants bloomed because it had been so dry so I'm letting it go to seed, hoping for some baby plants and more luck next spring.

Looking at the brige and the soap plant from the other side, we can see the very first Epilobium in that, more shady location, and also in the background Rudbeckia Californica, a moisture-loving native Rudbeckia that I have in a pot.

Stepping further back in the garden, we can enjoy Stipa gigantea, a mediterranean grass that lives up to its name, and in front a native buckwheat that has, over the course of two years, spread nicely to form a river of flowers in summer and early fall. I tread this area with benign neglect, and for this plant, at least, that's working just fine.

Turning to the left with a view of the redwood habitat, we see Salvia clevlandii and Festuca Californica in the foreground, but at this time of the year, the star of this corner of the garden is also the Agapanthus. I've added some time to the redwood habitat irrigation, and the ferns in the background seem happy. But I'm already thinking of fall, planning to move a few plants, propagate a few others, and get a few new ones. This is the time for pruning and for planning, before the fall begins and we can start the planting cycle anew.

And now I'll add a Mr. Linky widget so others who want to show off their summer gardens can join the party. I'm sure in climates that aren't quite so dry we can expect to see a great show of flowers - won't you join us?


Country Mouse said…
Very nice compositions! It was foggy this morning so I may wait a day - well see what I got. Also the garden is um a bit neglected... I particularly like how on that one photo the lines of whitish dotty plants leading into the shape of the umbrella.
Your garden looks so beautiful, and all the extras you have added make such a nice difference--complementing all the plants and paths. I wish my views were nicer than they are, but the weather has been hot and dry and I am afraid it has taken a toll on the garden. Thank you for hosting.
I really like your "river" of buckwheat flowers, and the Agapanthus are gorgeous!
Yes, that river of buckwheat is awesome. I remember commenting on it last month (GBBD?), but I do really like it. White flowers at this time of year really seem to be refreshing to me. Thanks for hosting First Views!
I love visiting your views...such beautiful colors especially the foliage. I really love the chinese fountain and the way you positioned it in the picture. I need a photography class...a wonderful anniversary for such an enjoyable meme