Mr. Mouse and I spent last weekend in the company of friends up the coast an hour south of Mendocino at Sea Ranch. We very much enjoyed the wild surf, the seals, and the shorebirds. But for me, the best thing was the garden at one of the recreation centers, which had mostly native plants.
I was especially struck by several Ribes (native currants). I believe these are Ribes sanguineum, but I'm no expert. Most were pink.
With beautiful, large flower clusters.
These were large bushes, over 8 feet tall, and they looked healthy and happy. One of the plants was blooming in white, a nice contrast. I was sorely tempted to go back for a pair of scissors. Currants root ridiculously easily. I have 3 little plants in pots that are actually blooming though I just took the cutting 2 months ago. But now the currants are blooming, and this is not a good time to take cuttings. I'll just have to go back in fall (well, twist my arm...)