November GBBD - Country Mouse

A few spots of brightness this sunny and mild November day on California's Central Coast ...

Seaside Daisy

Naked Buckwheat


Mexican sage (and little bug)

Mexican sage

More naked buckwheat, manzanita in background
Wow - manzanita flowers, first this year (nursery bought manzanita)

California fuschia

Hotlips salvia

Hotlips salvia

Hotlips salvia

Winifred Gilman salvia
California Fuschia, beaten up by recent rain

San Francisco wallflower

Verbena lilacena 'de la mina'

Jerusalem sage

Another naked buckwheat - pink flower

Late growth of hollyhocks
Deer grass

What's left of the common madia

Coyote brush

Teeny fence lizard scrabbling - got through to the crawl space

local monkeyflower

Local monkeyflower
Thanks for visiting - I'm off to May Dreams Gardens to register my monthly blooms and check out blooms elsewhere!


Jean Campbell said…
I thought I was here. I was there. No matter. Fence lizards, we have the eastern kind. Sometimes one jumps on me. EEEEEEEk! Oh, it' only you.

Lots to see at your place. Great post.
Anonymous said…
That monkeyflower looks really happy there. It's terribly difficult to make that species look quite as happy here.
James said…
Very nice! It's interesting to see your Hot Lips salvia, some of it all red, some of it bi-colored. Mine went through most of summer looking all-white, and now it's just starting with the bi-colors. This plant is driving me crazy trying to predict it. (It's a good crazy, at least.) And it's nice to see the start of coyotebush season, one of my favorite bonuses of later autumn. Happy GBBD!
ryan said…
Quite nice for November. Good to see the coyote bush start up. I'm surprised about those manzanita flowers. Seems too early, but I guess the season is coming.
scottweberpdx said…
Lovely post...that Deer Grass is so striking...must find some next year. I so wish that Verbena lilacena like my site...I had some a few years ago and it just didn't make it through our wet winter...maybe I'll try again next year :-)
J'aime le flou et le fond flou. Il fait ressortir les couleurs que les principaux éléments.