Color in August - Town Mouse Celebrates GBBD

This month, I'm celebrating Garden Blogger's Bloom day with my new camera - and I'm thrilled by the clear, crisp colors I can show you. Above is Trichostemma lanatum (wooly blue curl) showing a final few blossoms before the glorious bloom season is over.

Also in blue we have Agapanthus, a South African native that likes the summer-dry climate and is, amazingly, beloved by hummingbirds.

And after a main meal at the Agapanthus station (those plants are 5 feet tall) the hummers go to the California fuchsia (Epilobium) for dessert. I have several different cultivar, and the low-growing one shown above blooms especially early.

Getting oohs and aaahs from people is Amaryllis belladona, also a native of South Africa.

And everybody loves the lavender, which has its second bloom right now on very little water.

The rest are California natives. Above, Eriogonum arborescens blooming its little flowerheads off.

Here's a close-up in the morning light.

Above the locally native Eriogonum fasciculatum. This plant is quite similar to the last Plant of the Moment, Eriogonum nudum, that Country Mouse so eloquently described here.

Eriogonum grande rubescens (rosy buckwheat) is in the side garden and still pretty. It's amazing what a difference a few extra inches of rain can make, and we had about 2 inches more than average last rainy season.

Clarkia amoena, a colorful annual, is almost done blooming but a few blossoms have convinced me to let the seedheads stand for a while longer.

Behind the Clarkias is a new arrival in the garden, Maurandya antirrhiniflora (snapdragon vine). I bought this elegant little vine from Gold Coast Nursery in April, doubtful about its chances in less than ideal conditions, but it has performed admirably and is even putting out a few blossoms.

Another new arrival is Heterotheca villosa 'San Bruno Mountain' (San Bruno mountain golden aster). Not actually an aster, its beautiful aster-like flowers have been coming up all spring and summer. A great fit for my no-summer-water side strip.

And finally, with all my complaining about my summer-dormant monkey flowers, this one seems to be in the right spot and still looks great.

And with that happy thought, I'm almost ready to go over to May Dreams Gardens, where Carol is sure to be hosting a crowd again. Thanks Carol! Happy Bloom Day everyone.


Anonymous said…
You really have blooms I don't get to see. Your native plants are so uniquely pretty and the Monkey flower is such a beautiful flower. I love that color. Rain has been scarce here and this is the month we should be getting it. Next chance is Thursday, so I guess we will see. At least we are finally in the low 80's and I bet that has some around the US bit envious. I feel for those with the high extremes.
Larry said…
I too am unfamiliar with many of the lovely plants you've shared, so this has been an enjoyable as well as learning experience! Larry
BernieH said…
So many fabulous blooms. There are many plants I've never heard of before in your post and the photos show just how beautiful they are. Love the Trichostemma and all those Eriogonums. What a treat it was to visit today.
Anonymous said…
All those buckwheats are stealing the show this month! You have quite the collection of them.
I love all your blooms but am particularly partial to the Amaryllis belladona.
Happy GBBD :)
Bom said…
A lot of your plants are new to me, too. I'm not sure I've heard of Eriogonum before nor of monkey flowers. Thanks for sharing them with us. Happy GBBD!
ryan said…
Ahhh, the woolly blue curls. I really like them. Their purple-blue color is one of the best. And your buckwheats look very full. Ours are young and not so dramatic yet. Nice to see so many of them.
Loved your garden and the vine was new for me, gonna give that a try. I don't know what kind of pictures your old camera took but your new one takes wonderful ones......:-)
I haven't been brave enough to plant wooly blue curls, everyone keeps telling me how temperamental they are. I do love their blooms though. I definitely want more buckwheat here next year. I have seed for E. fasciculatum, which I'll need to try once the greenhouse is up as direct sowing it was a complete failure. I wish the hummers would visit my Epilobiums though, it's odd that I haven't seen a single hummingbird on them. They go for the Penstemons though...go figure!
That California fuchsia is a stunner. Your new camera has done your beautiful flowers much justice. Happy GBBD!
August Bloom Day in your garden is a thing of beauty!
Rosie Gan said…
Your agapanthus and amaryllis are my personal favourites. Lovely photos!
Commonweeder said…
What a beautiful posting. I love GBBD and the chance to see gardens in very different climate zone. Great photos.
James said…
Congrats on the new camera. You're doing a great job with it. If it weren't for the buckwheats I'm afraid my native selections would be pretty thin, but it looks like yours have some company. Happy bloomday.
Sue Langley said…
Yes congratulations on your new camera, to have a new toy and the satisfaction of better photos.
I have to get me some more buckwheats1 Yours are fabulous! And I love the monkey flowers, too. Your two gardens have really inspired me to plant more whole areas with only CA natives.
Country Mouse said…
Us mice are tickled pink that we inspire you to plant more natives, Sue :-)
Lisa said…

(Where are you getting wooly blue curls?)