Going Native Garden Tour

YES! There is still time to sign up for the

Going Native Garden Tour
April 17, 10-4

Just like last year, my garden will be on tour and Ms. Country Mouse will be a docent for half the day. If you're local, don't miss this tour, there are some stunning gardens this time (and the tour is FREE).

Go to http://www.gngt.org, or just click on the banner on the left.


Chandramouli S said…
I envy all those who can sign up and get a look at your lovely garden.
Sue Langley said…
Nothing like a dealine to get everything spiffed up. Same happens when the garden club comes, plus I wash windows. Have a wonderful time,,,wish I was closer!
It's shame spring is always so busy! Native plants sales, garden tours...I really need to clone myself! I'm not sure if we'll make it this year, but I'd love to. Going to have to see if I can rearrange my calendar. Thanks for the reminder!