With February so short, I was completely surprised that March has already arrived. And on the one hand, nothing much has changed in the garden -- on the other hand, everything has changed!
Above, the second of the triple graft plum tree is now in full bloom, and I'm hopeful that a few dry and warm days were enough to get me enough pollinator visits. Also blooming is the nectarine (barely visible in the background) and the two peach trees.
Here's the Suncrest peach, right next to the bee box. Aren't those blossoms heart-breakingly lovely?
But there's more. Above, Arctostaphylos 'Sentinel', still in a pot and ready to become one of the elements of the hedge (more about that in a different post).
And Arctostaphylos hookery 'Wayside' is also in full bloom, forming an attractive low mound right next to the ceanothus (still barely in bud).
The star of the early spring garden is Ribes sanguineum var. glutinosum, hard to photograph against a washed out wooden fence but stunning in reality.
The native mallow, Sildacea malveflora, is also pretty in pink. I'm happy this reliable bloomer has come back so nicely from summer dormancy.
And I really enjoy it next to the froggy stepping stone that was a gift from Country Mouse.
But for those who have seen enough pink, there's also yellow.
The first of the daffodils (yes, I do have a fairly shady garden).
And the Berberis, so bright that the photo is overexposed. But back to pink.
Here's the first of the Heuchera, with Heuchera 'Limelight' and the native ginger (Asarum caudatum) in the background. Also blooming are blue-eyed grass, a native black sage, a non-native sage, Aristolochia californica (dutchman's pipe), Heuchera maxima, and the redwood sorrell. Finally, the first Canyon Snow native Iris.
Thanks as always to Carol at May Dreams Gardens, our gracious hostess. I can't wait to see what's blooming in her garden, and how spring is starting to arrive all over the country (and the Northern hemisphere). Click on the link and meet me there!