What are the seasons where you garden?

Brad of Rooted in California says that in his locale, the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area, seasons are different:

I've often thought California needed new seasons. The classic four have nothing to do with us. Here they would be Rain, Warm/Green, Fog, Warm/brown, Clear/Chill and then back to Rain.
I really enjoyed thinking about Brad's definitions, and then I wondered about gardeners in other regions that don't fall in the classic (Northern European?) seasons of summer, autumn, winter, and spring. I'd love to hear from other gardeners: What are the seasons where you garden?


Randy Emmitt said…
Town Mouse,

Our seasons would be; cold but not too cold, wet and starting to get steamy, hot, hotter and humid, and sweet fall.
Anonymous said…
I think Southern CA where we are could be described as, warm with cool nights, hot & windy, cool with cooler nights, & April/May/June gloom. Hopefully....please, please, please, a little scattered rain.
Oh we have four seasons. Here in the Ozarks there is a definite, spring, fall, summer and winter. I particularly like that there is a true winter so I get flowers on peonies and daffodils, both of which require a certain amount of below freezing weather to set blossoms. I suppose an argument could be made for there being a fifth season, the dry hot, between summer and fall, except this year that season has not occurred.
I was born in the tropics where there were three seasons: hot and dry, cool and dry, and the rainy monsoon season. As a kid I was taken with the idea that there was a place where there were four and not three seasons. I guess it's yet another example of Western European (and eastern American) hegemony. For me the California seasons seem to be gradual transitions that pass through cool/occasionally moist, warming /overcast, warm and clear, hot and drying (fire season), and finally back to cool/moist. But sprinkled in that seem to be those surprising days where you have no idea where you are in the year, when a scorching day melts all your seasonal receptors...
ryan said…
I like Brad's terms and have a variety I sometimes use. I use wet season or rainy season and dry season pretty often. The work pretty well.
I also sometimes talk about foliage season and straw season, because a lot of the plants we use are green for a period and then more straw colored during the dry.