Native plant of the month: Pedicularis densiflora (Indian warrior)

This month, I want to share a native plant you can't buy in the store and probably can't grow in the suburban garden: Pedicularis densiflora (Indian warrior). Stunning in the spring, when there isn't much color out there, it looks outlandish and rare in the oak and manzanita forests of California. Pedicularis is a root parasite, though it can also grow without a host.
The photo above was made by Mr. Mouse, who went for a hike at Henry Coe State Park. I very much regretted not being able to go and pleaded for some pictures. And I got Pedicularis, and a manzanita in the wild...

...and a little squirrel hiding near the entrance gate.

Next time, I have to go along!


Anonymous said…
That is a pretty one. Love the squirrel too.
Gail said…
Hello! Is the manzanita a member of the Ericaceae family? The flowers look like heaths and blueberries? I love learning about native plants...even those thousands of miles from here! gail
Anonymous said…
The Indian warrior is certainly worthy of being named "native plant of the month". I might learn something if I keep reading your blog and I have lots to learn. Thanks for visiting my simple blog...I always like it when "mouses" come visiting.
Anonymous said…
Forgot to say. I also have Shirley Valentine as my favorite movie. Thought I'd be the only one in the world with that movie as a fav. Now I'll leave you alone for a while.
Town Mouse said…
Gail, yes, it is. See Come visit some time.

Donna, it's Country Mouse with that favorite movie. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to hear she's not alone.
Anonymous said…
I think you can grow it for your garden, it's just a pain in the neck to get started. The germination is fairly involved and you need to grow it in the pot with a host. The Watershed Nursery sometimes sells a hemiparasitic castilleja, indian paintbrush. I've planted a couple from there and they have done fine. One of them should be blooming soon.
I confess I haven't ever seen indian warrior for sale...
Country Mouse said…
Hi Donna - I LOVE Shirley Valentine! For several years I lived in the Liverpool area of England and am very familiar with the whole way of life shown in the movie - isn't it wonderful! I don't think you are alone - some women, I hear, have parties where they get together and watch that movie (over and over and over!)
Nice to hear from another fan!
C. Mouse
Michelle said…
How fascinating, I didn't know that plant was parasitic! I've always called it Indian Paintbrush. I blooms in the park across the valley. Love it!
Town Mouse said…
Actually, Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja) is a different plant. It's more orange and blooms a bit later. Here's a link:
I used to confuse them myself.
Anonymous said…
The Indian warrior is a plant that looks completely unknown and - indeed - very exotic to me. The manzanita doesn't grow here either, but at least it's flowers look familiar to me, they remind me of our native Vaccinium myrtillus.