Country Mouse and I were just thrilled to find this morning that we were second place for Best California Blog and Best Native Blog on Blotanical. We are so grateful for everyone who voted to us. Working on this blog, getting feedback, learning from others, has been wonderful. A special thanks goes to Stuart, who single-handedly keeps Blotanical running.
Winner for Best Native Blog is Gail from Clay and Limestone, one of my favorites as well. And Best California Blog is Bay Area Tendrils, which I love for its variety and good information. We're happy to be second if such amazing blogs are first ;->
When I came home to tell Mr. Mouse the good news, he said "Did you see there's a package for you?" (and I think he worried that something expensive had been purchased). But it was my bulb order from Van Engelen, placed several weeks ago. After very good success this spring with some Triteleia (as in the photo above), I had gone through the Van Engelen offering and chosen a few California Native bulbs. And a few more. And then I saw there was a minimum order amount, so I had to add a few more. Here's what I got (I'm including photos from the Van Engelen website).

100 Brodiaea Queen Fabiola. I think this will be a smaller version of Californica, and I'm ready to just be suprised.

20 Brodiaea Coccinea. I bought that plant as Dichelostemma Ida-maia (Firecracker plant) last year. I loved the combination of the bright red with lime green of the flowers, and found this plant looked good even when dried out.

25 Calochortus Golden Orb. I have not tried Calohortus in my garden yet, and I'm a bit worried about the clay being a problem, but I'm going to plant these bulbs along the dry stream bed, so I hope they'll make it.

25 Calohortus Mixture. Who could resist?
I think I'll put the bulbs in the garage until the rain has softened the ground. Right now, you'd need a jackhammer to get anything into the ground, but soon, we hope, things will change. I'll cover the bulb holes with a bit of chicken wire to discourage the squirrels (worked last year) and then I'll wait and dream of spring.
And congrats again on the Bloggie nominations--richly deserved!
grats on a place well deserved.
You're simply the best! And I'm feeling pleased as punch to be listed alongside you and CM....
Thanks! Alice