I'm thrilled to say all my seedlings pretty much are coming up. Not the western colombine, Aquilegia formosa, but lots of other stuff. This post is just photos of seedlings, with labels. Babies are cute, and it's fun to see how different the seedlings are. These plants were propagated from local wild seed, gathered along a local dirt road, and on our property.
(Labels are above pictures - just mentioning this because sometimes it can be confusing.)
Sticky Monkey Bush, Diplacus aurantiacus:

California Wild Lilac, Ceanothus thyrsiflorus:

California fuschia, Epilobium canum :

Naked buckwheat, Eriogonum nudum

Golden Yarrow, Eriophyllum confertiflorum

Alum root, Heuchera micrantha :

Common madia, Madia elegans :

Seep Monkeyflower, Mimulus guttatus :

Maybe sedge, and I'm not exactly sure which one. Have to look this one up.

Thimbleberry, Rubus parviflorum :

Thimbleberry, Rubus parviflorum redux - because I like this picture:

I hope this post has been informative. These are the seedlings I'm propagating in the greenhouse now, all local natives. This is my first time, well my second time I guess, through this process, and I am certainly open to advice!
In my next post - fledgling plants take wing!
(Labels are above pictures - just mentioning this because sometimes it can be confusing.)
Sticky Monkey Bush, Diplacus aurantiacus:

California Wild Lilac, Ceanothus thyrsiflorus:

California fuschia, Epilobium canum :

Naked buckwheat, Eriogonum nudum

Golden Yarrow, Eriophyllum confertiflorum

Alum root, Heuchera micrantha :

Common madia, Madia elegans :

Seep Monkeyflower, Mimulus guttatus :

Maybe sedge, and I'm not exactly sure which one. Have to look this one up.

Thimbleberry, Rubus parviflorum :

Thimbleberry, Rubus parviflorum redux - because I like this picture:

I hope this post has been informative. These are the seedlings I'm propagating in the greenhouse now, all local natives. This is my first time, well my second time I guess, through this process, and I am certainly open to advice!
In my next post - fledgling plants take wing!
how wonderful that you are growing these from seedlings...good for you and thanks for sharing