I finally called up Friday to register for the chipper rota with the Branciforte Fire Protection District, staffed almost entirely by volunteers. It might be two months, I was told: the local fire departments share a chipper and everyone must take their turn. Oh well. But true to their mission statement, the officer I talked to was indeed nice:
All members of the Branciforte Fire Department will strive to give excellent customer service, to always do the right thing, and to always be nice.Don't you love that last part!
The next morning I was out collecting seeds (Madia elegans) when Mr Wood Rat called my cell phone to say that the chipper would be there within an hour!
Yes, it was the end of the line for the brush pile -- and a great photo op for this month's Gardening Gone Wild photo competition whose theme is -- "The end of the line."
The picture at the top of this post is my pick for the competition. As you can see, it's the end of the line for the brush we cleared - and there is a fire fighter literally at the end of the line for feeding the last of the brush into the chipper. On the left you can see the tiny pile of mulch that is all that remains of the gargantuan brush pile!
Below I begin at the beginning of the end ...

I was so happy to see the back of that pile. I asked the guys if I could take their photo and they graciously agreed.
And here is Mr Rat grinning at the place where the pile was, as the fire fighters drove off to deal with their next pile.