GBBD and Garden Tour Preview

Truth be told, I almost didn't make it to GBBD this month, what with work and the Going Native Garden Tour on Sunday. But then it seemed rude not to follow Carol's kind invitation to show a few pictures and visit other gardens. And it gives me a chance for a tour preview.

Above, the front garden, still a little bit overgrown with Phacelia and with Ceanothus 'Tilden Park' blooming blue in the background. I'm leaving the Phacelia until Saturday afternoon, then I'll tidy things up and open up the paths. But the pollinators love Phacelia, so I'm giving them one final chance. After that, though, there will still be the ceanothus.

Also blooming in the front garden is Salvia 'Shirley's Creeper', a black sage, Triteleia laxa (Ithurial's spear), Twinberry, the first monkey flowers, and, still in bud, a little Calochortus, a California native bulb.

The theme plants of the April garden, though, are Heuchera and Pacific iris. I have Heuchera maxima in both the front garden and the back, and different hybrids, including a red Heuchera from Arizona and a small pink form that I planted in a pot shown below.

My Iris include Canyon Snow (most likely a hybrid), the native Douglas Iris, and a yellow Iris that is also most likely a hybrid. I divided my Iris in the fall and now they're blooming everywhere, just in time for the tour. See the buds in that photo?

The Mediterranean mounds look lush and green, with California poppies and the native Hummingbird sage already blooming.

Here's a close-up that shows off the sage better.

Also in the back, around the corner, the Sidalcea malvaeflora (checkerbloom) puts on a show. I'm getting a few more of this amazing perennial. The lasting blossoms in spring and into summer make up for the fact that she goes dormant late summer.

Here's a close-up.

Also in the back, the red Southern California monkey flower (Mimulus puniceus), shown below with redwood sorrel and Western sword fern, has gotten ahead of the local yellow monkey flower.

Hummingbirds love the red blossoms in early spring, so I purchased a few more from Annie's Annuals last fall.

Also from Annie's (bought at the SF Flower and Garden Show) are five-spot and baby blue eyes, opening up just in time for tour day.

I'd love to show you more flowers, but I have to go out and take care of a few things before the big day. This evening, though, when it's too dark to dig around, I'll visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens and, from there, all my other gardening friends who surely have amazing things to show off.


Gail said…
Mouse, That buried buddha is splendid~Someday, I hope to make the trek to California to see a native plant tour~ I might even be able to recognize a few of your lovely natives. Happy Bloom Day.
Gesine Seepferd said…
Das ist ja wirklich interessant, was bei dir im Moment wächst! Einige der Pflanzen kenne ich noch gar nicht! Mit Phacelia habe ich auch schon gute Erfahrungen gemacht und die Bienen etc. lieben sie wirklich sehr, schade, daß es die nicht in weiss gibt...
Viele Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende!
Anonymous said…
Your garden tour is going to be wonderful, the one today was too. Glad you posted.
Can't wait to see it for ourselves! See you Sunday!
Sujata said…
Thanks for dropping by my blog, Tmouse. The five spot is so pretty. I have never seen it before.

I am looking forward to the Garden Tour.
dorothy said…
It's inspiring to see what can be done with native plants. Thank you for sharing the pictures of your flowers! Happy Bloom Day!
ryan said…
Looks like you're all ready for the tour with all of those plants in bloom. Nice big patches of flowers, a lot for people to see. Nice that the calochortus is opening on time.
Susan said…
Thanks for visiting my blo- I'm so glad to see yours- gorgeous blooms- I love your buried buddha, too.
Anonymous said…
I'm glad you made it to Bloom Day. Your ceanothus is gorgeous!
Wally said…
Lovely. The blue in the second photo is so pretty.
Good luck today - I'm sure your garden will be a big hit on the tour especially if the photos are anything to go by!
It was fun to see all your California blooms. I don't think I have seen Heuchera maxima before--loved the small pink-flowered plants in the pot. Carolyn
Rose said…
What beautiful blooms! I really like the checkerbloom; the red monkey flower is also so pretty--I can just imagine how much the hummingbirds like this. A native garden plant tour sounds so interesting--I wish we had something like this where I live.